Defense Systems


Table of Content


Light Defensive Cannon113040:00:16744
Heavy Defensive Cannon2280100:00:391888
Magnetic Cannon407386432360:17:51550255255
Defensive Tower557529562510:23:12740350350
Pulse Cannon153111863078041:03:4621908201310
Heavy Gauss Cannon5645471833650:27:37930350550
Heavy Pulse Cannon1587217558815291:37:57390014602330
Light Sonic Cannon1521248989920051:55:13514019203070
Heavy Sonic Cannon13992961115227152:17:05680025504070

light defensive cannon

Basic defence against land units attacking your island.
light defensive cannon cannot shoot at enemy’s ships.

Light Defensive Cannon

The light cannon, based on the use of simple missiles, when used in large quantities is extremely effective against enemy land units.

heavy defensive cannon

Stronger defence against land units attacking your island.
Heavy Defensive Cannon cannot shoot at enemy’s ships.

Heavy Defensive Cannon

A more effective and more lethal weapon, which uses sophisticated missiles against enemy land units.

magnetic cannon

More sophisticated defence against land units attacking your island.
Magnetic Cannon cannot shoot at enemy’s ships.

Magnetic Cannon

The first Gauss weapon was created 123 years after the first landing as a primitive weapon based on the gravitational technology of microcrystals, the basis for the hatching and growth of thee Crystal. Today it is a weapon that can be easily used against medium and heavy enemy land units.

defensive tower

A powerful defence against land units attacking your island.
Defensive Tower cannot shoot at enemy’s ships.

Defensive Tower

The first towers, built 20 years after the landing constituted a set of observation posts. And although today there are only ruins left after the first towers, more and more advanced forms are continued to be built. A defence tower provides better visibility of enemy land units, which gives a natural, more effective defence against them.

pulse cannon

A basic defence against ships attacking your island.
Pulse Cannon cannot shoot at enemy’s land units.

Pulse Cannon

The weapon, which is the natural evolution of the Gauss cannon, can create a concentrated gravitational beam of high attack power, shooting with pulse series. This simple technology needed for the creation of pulse weapons, allowed the creation of weapons for the infantry - The Crystal Emitters (CE), advanced Crystal Emitters (ACE) and pulse grenades. An average quality pulse cannon can cope with almost any ship attacking your island.

heavy magnetic cannon

An advanced defence against ships attacking your island.
Heavy Magnetic Cannon cannot shoot at enemy’s land units.

Heavy Magnetic Cannon

This cannon, which uses microgravity technology based on the capabilities of specially selected crystals, supports your fleet during the defence of your island.

heavy pulse cannon

A formidable defence against ships attacking your island.
Heavy Pulse Cannon cannot shoot at enemy’s land units.

Heavy Pulse Cannon

The heavily armored and more advanced version of the pulse cannon is a weapon capable of destroying any big ship attacking your island.

light sonic cannon

A very powerful defence against ships attacking your island.
Light Sonic Cannon cannot shoot at enemy’s land units.

Light Sonic Cannon

The light Sonic Cannon was created by a man named Mateus von Czap, about 230 years after the landing. Unfortunately, the prototype proved to be so unstable that the famous engineer was killed during the first test. Fortunately, his notes remained. The sound cannon is one of the few weapons in the Planet Archipelago which does not use technology based on the Crystal. This breakthrough invention is composed of large membranes placed at the rear of the unit. Thanks to the generated electricity, membranes are put into vibration, which emits low frequency sound waves. Such a wave is able to break the biggest enemy flying units.

heavy sonic cannon

An ultimate defence for your island.
Heavy Sonic Cannon can shoot both at enemy’s ships and land units.

Heavy Sonic Cannon

The heavy Sonic Cannon was created in the same way as its counterpart, but additionally, a high-frequency membrane was added, reinforced with additional special gravitational Crystal pads. Thanks to the protective microfield generated by the Crystals, it was possible to direct the sound beam in the direction of enemy land units without the risk of hitting the land, which could be catastrophic for the cannon itself and its crew. Thus, a heavy sound cannon can be used not only against air units but also land ones.
